• Services

    We offer the most comprehensive Home Inspection service available.

    We start at the roof and evaluate not only the roof surface, but also the chimney, the ventilation system, the electrical service entrance, the plumbing stack, and any other systems or components located on the roof.

    Our next step is to inspect the exterior of the home. We use a macro and micro approach to look at the big picture and all the details.

    We then move inside the house, and starting at the bottom, work our way up through the home into the attic. While inside, we address such things as the structure, the heating and cooling systems, the electrical and plumbing systems, the interior finishes, the insulation and ventilation, and accessories such as fireplaces.

    Ask about our Radon testing service. We will do this as an add to the home inspection for a reduced fee while on-site or as a stand-alone inspection. 

    Any home may have a radon problem.

    Radon is a radioactive gas. It comes from the natural decay of uranium that is found in nearly all soils. It typically moves up through the ground to the air above and into your home through cracks and other holes in the foundation. Your home traps radon inside, where it can build up. Any home may have a radon problem. This means new and old homes, well-sealed and drafty homes, and homes with or without basements.

    Radon from soil gas is the main cause of radon problems. Sometimes radon enters the home through well water. In a small number of homes, the building materials can give off radon, too. However, building materials rarely cause radon problems by themselves.

    For more information, see www.epa.gov/radon and A Citizen’s Guide to Radon The Guide to Protecting Yourself and Your Family from Radon (December 2016, EPA 402/K12/002).

    We offer Mold Testing/Inspection as a stand-alone service. 

    Our evaluation is then communicated through a detailed inspection report, which includes descriptions of all the home systems and any recommended improvements. 

    Best of all, our services don’t end with the inspection. You can call with any additional questions for up to 12 months from inspection — at no extra charge!

  • Contact Us

    Call us today at 423-231-5770 Or book your inspection online:

    Book your Inspection
  • Proudly serving the following counties and cities.

    Hamblen, Jefferson, Grainger, Cocke, Greene. 

    Morristown, Jefferson City, Dandridge, White Pine, Newport, Greeneville, Rutledge.